ProPhotonix provides a range of LED lights and Laser modules for the Security and Transport industry. Compact, high brightness LED lights enable accurate Automation License Plate Recognition (ALPR) systems, surveillance and infrastructure monitoring applications, while high-powered, plug-and-play laser modules aid a range of high-precision targeting and guidance applications.

LED Lights for Security & Transport
Automatic License Plate Recognition Solutions
Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR or ANPR) are now widely used by policing and law enforcement authorities to monitor car parks, congestion zones and toll booths. These systems use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to automatically read number plates on vehicles. ProPhotonix SpecBright™ LED Spot Lights provide a rugged, long life solution for ANPR systems and are also in use for infrastructure monitoring including key bridges, railway crossings, and tunnels. These LED Spot Lights are available in a variety of wavelengths in infrared and provide strobing ideally suited to these applications.

Laser Modules for Security & Transport
High-precision Targeting and Guidance Systems
Laser modules improve accuracy by providing a highly visible spot, line or other light pattern for visual target identification and expedite the impact by honing in on reflected laser light. High-precision laser targeting systems are widely used providing a clear indication of the target. Laser modules improve speed and accuracy for guidance systems. Laser modules also enable range finding and proximity measurement by measuring the time for a pulse of laser light that is reflected from a target.

Case Study
Rail Wheel Inspection
According to the Scientific American, 94 percent of all train accidents are derailments and track failure is the majority cause in derailments. Track failures or induced derailments represent approximately 50% of all accidents according to the FAR. Most track integrity issues are related to track geometry or gauge distortion while the remainder is due to misalignment or buckled tracks. ProPhotonix provides high-quality lasers that enable rail measurement and track inspection, wheel inspection and overhead wire inspection as well as box inspection in this challenging environment. This case study highlights how ProPhotonix helped implement a high-performance digital laser, built to withstand temperature variations, for a new wheel monitoring system for the rail industry.

ProPhotonix SpecBright™ Spotlights are used as illuminators for ANPR systems. The illuminators can be operated in continuous wave (CW) or pulsed mode. ProPhotonix Laser Modules feature high bore sighting accuracy to (<0.25 degrees), rugged designs for challenging operating conditions and compact units with low power requirements suitable for battery operation. ProPhotonix also supplies custom LED and laser solutions to meet specific customer requirements with a wide range of wavelengths and powers available.
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Bernhard Russell
Inside Sales

Andrea Gregorio
Inside Sales